Inside out

After almost four years of writing, re-writing, editing, and second-guessing, my first poetry collection, Inside out, is available for purchase in paperback or Kindle format on Amazon. 

"...the poems explore topics from love to loneliness, eccentric painters to…

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My Kinda Crazy

Here's a new video for you!
Shot in Nashville by the very talented Monica Baranko.
The tune is a tribute to women who live by their own rules. 
Lyrics are available in the Youtube video info. 

On The Road Again...

My two months in Seattle was a blur of gigs, recording, and working a few jobs to pay for recording. 
Now, I'm happy to announce that the 6-song EP is officially finished and--after a few days of much-needed rest in…

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One Brick at a Time...

After a gorgeous six-day trip from Austin to Seattle--complete with stops in Albuquerque, Salt Lake City and Bend, Oregon--I'm now back in the swing of Northwest livin'. My first three days at home were spent at Paradise Sound in Index…

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Diverting the Flow

A few weeks back I had a dream that I was hanging with my former Seattle band-mates. One of them told me that I should "Finish what I started."

After waking I realized that this comment came in regard…

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The Leaves, They Are A-Changin'

Greetings from Nashville! 

The past few weeks have been spent between here and Cincinnati, Ohio.

I've played a few fun gigs (including a Cinci Farmer's Market where some costumed children held a tiny dance party), met many friendly…

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Join me on Patreon!

Greetings from beautiful Sedona, Arizona!

The journey from Seattle to Austin has been great so far--many successful gigs, friendly folks and adventurous hikes. 

Beyond all of this, I've begun to record music in my Dodge Caravan--committing myself…

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Mission Accomplished

I'm pleased to report that the trip to Salt Lake City with fiddler Amanda Fitch was a great success.

We played several amazing gigs, camped for a few days in Idaho's Sawtooth Mountains and braved 105 degree heat in…

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Good luck, Geli!

Geli Wuerzner, who has been my musical partner and adventure buddy for two years, is parting ways with "A Lovely Ruckus". She will be calling the Pacific Northwest home for a while; and I will be heading to Austin to…

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Home Again, Home Again...

The Southwest Quest was a ride--full of great gigs and personal challenges (including, but not limited to, Geli coming down with strep throat the day we rolled into Austin). Luckily, with the help of some antibiotics, she powered through and…Read more

South for the Winter Tour - Photo Journal

After a little over two weeks on the road, Geli and I have once again parked the RV in the Pacific Northwest. 
Our South for the Winter tour--to Central Arizona and back--was a huge success! We played 8 (official) gigs…Read more

A Lovely Ruckus

2016 has been amazing!
We've played over 100 gigs this year--from Seattle to New Orleans and a few places in between.
And, as awesome as 2016 has been, 2017 is shaping up to be even better.

With the band moving…Read more